Student Profiles

Student Profiles is a podcast series that allows students to be real and speak what they feel... something that isn't always encouraged or celebrated in High School. Last Wave Radio makes space for these voices and amplifies them!

Sampler podcast

student pride

In this sampler, 2020-2021 Student Council members Angela and Alessia sit down with Shadow and talk about their High School experience.


Bjork - Where is the line?
John Frusciante - Cover of "Modern Love" by David Bowie, live recording from "The Amsterdam"

Sir -Teach me
Prince - Purple Rain

full podcast


In these two recordings, Lucas Defouni, Kosta Vasilopoulos, Xeno Papadopoulos, Luca Della Sala (1) and Joey Galliano, Kennedy Banda, Michael D'avino and Brady Flynn (2), who are all players on the LSA Panthers football team, sit down with mr.mask to discuss the upcoming homecoming game. The students dig deep down low into what football means to them, their experience of playing and their hopes for their "game" on and off the field.

Valentino Khan - Deep Down Low

Introducing Yng Calla and his original beat: "Whole Crew"

Yng Calla sits down with Dj formycats to talk about his new instrumental track called Whole Crew.