How it all got started in 2020/2021...

A mysterious find

One day, Alex Bon-Miller found a wooden, hand painted mask on the street near his home. He brought it to school and used it as a catalyst to birth a mystical "anybody" character as the figrehead of Last Wave Radio. The mask was a powerful symbol for these times and a commentary on the kinds of masks we wear everyday to be the "somebody" we think we are or should be. The mask that makes-up the Mr.mask character is just a mirror for who you really are.

An idea and two videos shot

Two video were shot "in character" to really kick off Last Wave Radio creatively. Now, anybody can be Mr.mask but they should know that being Mr.mask is about helping and not hurting, being as open minded as possible and about telling the truth and being true. Soon after the 2 videos were shot, the mask utterly and literally disappeared, never to be seen again.

A Work Study Stagere

Having helped with the video shoots, Ronny Bosco birthed the radio name "Shadow" and began an in school stage or internship through the Work Oriented Training Path program at Laval Senior Academy. Through this process he would learn hands-on work skills as well as communication and tech skills that would be put to use in building the physical studio space as well as the digital space which was to become the platform that we know now as LWR.

A Work Study Supervisor Found!

Maxwell (Spice Boku) Husbands, who wears the different hats of Sound Engineer, Professional DJ and Boys To Men Mentor, took on the responsibility of supervising and mentoring Shadow in his stage process.

We met as a team and created our standards and commitments that captured the spirit of LWR as a platform for amplifying student/educator voice. You can read them HERE

I Belong Grant and Building the LWR Studio